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Winner Story

Multicultural Recruiting Resource by Red, Inc. Communications

The Idaho National Laboratory’s (INL) Multiculturals in Leadership Council joined forces with RED Inc. Communications to craft a unique recruiting resource: a book featuring recipes from their culturally diverse workforce. We spoke with RED Inc. about how graphic designer Vanessa Godfrey embarked on a mission to showcase the INL community and how the project went on to win the 2022 Award of Excellence in Design & Print: Promotional Collateral – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

What inspired the creative direction for the project?
The creative direction for the multicultural recruiting resource kicked off with a collaboration meeting between RED, Inc. and the INL’s Multiculturals in Leadership team. After discussing the goals of the project, it was clear the diversity and cultures would be the focus of the resource.. We made the creative decision to include cultural recipes and stories and photos of who and where those recipes came from. We chose images and layouts based on the goal of highlighting the diverse workforce at the INL.

How does RED, Inc. Communications define creative success?
Creative success is when communication meets innovation. When artists incorporate the individual communication goals with innovative and inspired design, we know we have achieved creative success.

How did the concept evolve over time?
The overall concept didn’t change drastically as the design evolved. This can be attributed to a very thorough kick off meeting where we discussed the goals of the multicultural recruiting resource. After the initial layout with the recipes, the images were chosen. The images shine throughout the design, helping to create a unified look. Then the individual cultural callouts were then created. We made sure to highlight the cultural callouts throughout, helping to unify the introduction to the recipe section. The message and direction of the resource was always in the front of our minds, which helped guide the styling and layout. We wanted it to show the connection between culture, cooking and the diversity INL has to offer.

If you had an unlimited budget, what would you add?
In the future, we would like to schedule a photoshoot with the recipe authors in their homes, with their families taking part in making the dishes. We could tell personalized stories of how these recipes are used in their home, or how they learned to cook. With approximately 40 recipes, that could get tedious, but we think it would help the goal of highlighting the diversity represented at the INL.

How did this project contribute to Red, Inc. Communications’ mission?
RED, Inc. is always committed to delivering professional and premier products that make an impact to our customers. All our designs go through a rigorous process to make sure all our designs are a high standard product that meets the customers goals and needs. Our philosophy is short and to the point: quality matters.

How did your team celebrate your win?
Our team received several awards this year, which is a testament to the quality of our staff. The graphics team is a tight-knit unit that celebrates each of our wins together. We are proud to see individuals receiving recognition for their craft. The company displays the trophies prominently in our reception area. We also receive strong support from our clients at the INL and are looking forward to continuing to deliver top notch designs for their communication needs.

Are you designing impactful projects like RED, Inc. Communications? You can still submit your work, but time is running out. Enter now before the Extended Entry Deadline This Friday, March 15th, 2024.

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